Placing care, appreciation and inspiration in everything we do

Our values and behaviours define what’s important to us as we work alongside each other and with our patients and service users.

By living our values through everyday interactions, we can build a stronger, more resilient, and forward-thinking organisation, guiding us to achieve success and make a positive impact on how we deliver our services.

Together, we will create a culture where care, appreciation and inspiration thrive.

If you’re thinking about joining us, this is what we will be looking for you to demonstrate:



We shape and maintain an inclusive culture of empathy, respect, and person-centeredness in delivering safe, reliable, high-quality performance in all our services. We collaborate to learn and improve how we do things.


  • Provide the highest standard of care, with compassion and kindness.
  • Communicate clearly, actively listen and be person centred. 
  • Seek to understand and empathise.
  • Collaborate to deliver services that are safe and give confidence in our care.

We recognise, value, and express appreciation for the contributions of our colleagues, partners, patients, service users and communities, openly acknowledging their contribution, collaboration and feedback.


  • Recognise and openly acknowledge how we all make a difference.
  • Value and respect others and share in celebrating our successes.
  • Treat people fairly, notice, champion and positively appreciate diversity.
  • Provide constructive feedback to support growth and development.

We act with integrity and honesty; we see and notice, we ask and listen, and we decide and act; we learn from and with each other; we feel ownership for what we do. We are developed, empowered, and trusted to be our professional best to make decisions that make a difference.


  • Have a voice and act with integrity and honesty. 
  • Make time to learn, share and find new ways of working.
  • Be positive, be open to change and empower others.
  • Work with my team and other teams to agree and deliver best outcomes.